1. Tú eres Amada
Tú eres amada. Eres maravillosa. Tú eres el mismo amor, así de simple. Hay tantas cosas maravillosas que compartes a otros. Quizás no te sientas así cuando estas deprimida, pero inténtalo. Reconoce eso, date cuenta que eres digna de ser amada y que el amor que tú das vale la pena. Recuerda que SI hay una luz al final del túnel. Recuerda que eres digna porque Dios te hizo digna. Eres amada por El no importa como seas o lo que hayas hecho. A la luz de su amor podemos ser redimidas y tenemos un valor inigualable.
2. Tu sonrisa ilumina el Mundo
Quizás sientas que no quieres sonreír ahora, pero date cuenta que tu sonrisa es la cosa más preciosa a mucha gente. Quizás sea para tu mama o papa, hermanos, tu mejor amiga, tu pareja, un admirador secreto, un maestro o un compañero de trabajo. Quizás sea alguien que casi no conoces que también lucha contra la depresión y se siente esperanzado cada vez que él o ella ven tu sonrisa. Tu sonrisa puede iluminar un cuarto, sí, pero también puede iluminar el mundo.
3. Eres Fuerte
Has pasado por algunas cosas ¿no? No mires a tus tragedias o triunfos y los compare con los de otra persona. Cada quien pasa por sus propias experiencias y tu dolor es únicamente tuyo. Lo has logrado, ese es el punto. Lo has superado, aunque ahora no lo sientas así. Estas aquí, estas respirando, parpadeando, viviendo y siendo. ¡Eso es algo grande!
4. Eres una inspiración
Eso también es una inspiración, aunque no te sientas así. Tú inspiras a alguien allá fuera. Pudiera ser una amiga en línea que quizás conociste a través de un foro o grupo de ayuda. Puede ser a tu hermano, tu prima, incluso a la chica o chico sentada detrás de ti en tu clase y que ni siquiera conoces bien. Todos inspiran a alguien y tú eres la inspiración de alguien allá fuera.
5. Eres Hermosa
Tú eres Hermosa. Eres un Faro de fuerza, perseverancia, con defectos, victorias, talentos e inteligencia. Eres una criatura exquisita desde la coronilla hasta tus pies. Debajo de esa piel, eres un milagro y encima eres una maravilla. Nunca dudes eso. Dios nos creó a su imagen, así que nunca olvides lo hermosa que eres y de quien eres hija.
6. Eres Valiosa
Eres tan valiosa. No tienes precio. Hay personas que te aman incondicionalmente y sin reservas. Hay personas que te admiran y dependen de ti. Hay personas que sonríen gracias a ti. NUNCA dudes de tu valor, porque no hay final para él. Cada día que caminas a través de esta tierra, tú aumentas su valor.
7. Eres Suficiente
No eres ni muy gorda ni muy delgada. No eres ni muy amargada ni muy fría. No eres ni muy alta ni muy chaparrita. No eres ni muy hiperactiva ni muy pasmada. Todo lo que tú eres, es la cantidad perfecta. Eres suficiente. Punto.
La depresión es tan difícil. Podría ser un caso momentáneo de un bajón miserable o una condición más a largo plazo. Por favor recuerda que esto se pone mejor, recuerda que tú puedes superarlo y que tú eres digna de ser feliz. Eres hermosa, eres fuerte y eres valiente. Aférrate a eso. Y por último, recuerda que eres todo eso porque el Creador te ama tal cual eres y decidió ponerte en esta tierra para ser una luz llena de ¡alegría!
Creditos: http://allwomenstalk.com/
Creditos: http://allwomenstalk.com/

7 Things you MUST remember about yourself whenever you feel depressed.
When you're depressed, it's almost impossible to remember all the wonderful, worthwhile things about yourself. You're in a fugue state that takes you down into the very depths of misery, so feeling smart, pretty, funny, gracious, and selfless is like an exercise in defeat. None of those things ring true, even when they are. In addition to reaching out for help from all the people who love you, I want you to do me a favor. Keep this list close by, and look at when you're depressed and need a reminder that there are so many beautiful things to remember about yourself, things that touch the people around you every day.
1. You Are Loved
You are loved. You are loving. You are love itself, plain and simple. You exude love and you have so many wonderful things to share with others. You may not feel that way when you're depressed, but try. Recognize this, realize that you are worthy of love and that the love you give is worthwhile. Remember there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Remember that you are worthy because God made you worthy. You are loved by Him and it doesn’t matter how you are or what you’ve done. In the light of His love we can be redeemed and we have unmatched love.
2. Your Smile Lights up The World
You might not feel like smiling right now, but realize that your smile is the most precious thing to a lot of people. Maybe it's your mother or father, a sibling, a best friend, a partner, a secret admirer, a teacher, or a coworker. Maybe it's someone you barely know who also wrestles with depression, and feels hopeful every time he or she sees you smile. Your smile can light up the room, yes, but it also lights up the world, and it will come again.
3. You're Strong
You've been through some things, haven't you? Don't look at your tragedies and triumphs and compare them to anyone else's. Everyone goes through their own experiences, and your pain is uniquely yours. You've made it through, that's the point. You've overcome, even if you don't feel that way right at this moment. You're here, you're breathing, blinking, living, and being. That's huge.
4. You're An Inspiration
That's also an inspiration, even if you don't feel that way. You inspire someone out there. It might be an online friend you met through a fan forum or a support group. It could be your little sister, your cousin, or even the girl sitting behind you in class that you don't know very well. Everyone inspires someone, and someone out there is inspired by you.
5. You're Beautiful
You are beautiful. A goddess. A shining beacon of strength, perseverance, flaws, victories, talents, and intelligence. You are an exquisite creature from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. Beneath the skin you are a miracle and above it you are a marvel. Don't you ever doubt that. God created you in his image, so never forget how beautiful you are and that you are his daughter.
6. You're Valuable
You're so valuable. You're priceless. There are people who love you unconditionally and without reservation. There are people who look up to you and depend on you. There are people who smile because of you. Never doubt your value, because there is no end to it. Every day you walk through this world, you increase its worth.
7. You're enough
You're not too fat or too skinny. You're not too moody or too cold. You're not too tall or too short. You're not too hyper or too morose. Everything you are is the perfect amount. You are enough. You are just enough.
Depression is so hard. It could be a momentary case of the mean reds or a more long-term condition. Please remember that it does get better, you can overcome this, and you are worthy of feeling happy. You're lovely, you're so strong, and you're brave. Hold on to that. And lastly, remember you are beautiful and loved because the Creator loves you just the way you are and He decide to let you live in this world to be a light full of happiness!
Credits: http://allwomenstalk.com/
Credits: http://allwomenstalk.com/
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