domingo, 1 de junio de 2008


Darkness covered the most inner place of my Heart.
I felt numb, I wanted to escape… I couldn’t, It was to late.
After all was finished, shame covered my face…
When would I recover, when would I be me again?

Damn this heart, Damn this life
Full of confusions.
Full of passions.
Full of lies.
Full of faces.
And yet in my darkness, a light stroke me.
From the inside well of my heart,
I saw it… I saw salvation… I saw hope.

My bones are dried up and my hope is gone… I cried.
Breath in life, dry bones… said the Lord.
I have done wrong, I replied.
There is nothing I wouldn’t forgive you, he said.
But my Lord, it’s always the same affliction…I said.
You may fall 70 times, and I will lift you up 70 times.

Indeed you are a God of mercy, a God of Love.
How can this be Lord?
How can you look at me with eyes of love?
Can this love be possible?
Indeed it can be, you’ve proved it to me…
Everyday, every hour, every second…

I wait for thee Lord, I wait upon your mercies..
I wait for the glorious day when I see you face to face
The face of my beloved, my savior, my Jesus.

PAOLA 2008

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